This year’s Regional Council Meeting of the Upper East “A” took place from 13th to 16th February at the Redemption A/G, Bolgatanga. The event was graced by the General Secretary of Assemblies of God, Ghana, Rev.Dr. Ernest Birikorang as the guest speaker.

Rev. Birikorang read the General superintendent’s address with explanatory emphasis and preached on the theme “THE CALL TO SEND THE LIGHT” with Acts 13:1-14 as his reference text. He admonished all pastors and delegates gathered to see and treat this year’s theme as a resounding reminder of God’s call for them to send the light and not a mere institutional theme.

Four (4) pastors were ordained and twenty (21) pastors were elevated to various ministerial ranks Licentiate and Exhorter. The meeting had over 120 attendees consisting of pastors, departmental directors, and delegates. The meeting came to a glorious end with a remarkable address from the Regional Superintendent Rev. Albert Adekaldu.