Rev. Thomas Lambon and his wife, Mrs. Salomey Lambon have retired from active ministerial service after 40 years in the pastoral ministry. Per the policy of Assemblies of God, Ghana, a retirement service was held on 31st October 2020 in honour of Rev. Thomas J. Lambon at Central A/G church, Nakpanduri in the Upper North region. Rev. Thomas J. Lambon until his retirement was the Senior Pastor of Central Assemblies of God, Nakpanduri. The blissful event was officiated by the Upper North Regional Executives, led by the Regional Superintendent, Rev. Baba Alhassan and supported by several ministers within and across the country.

The goodwill message by the General Council of Assemblies of God Chana acknowledged the contributions of Rev. Thomas Lambon to the Lord’s vineyard. The General Superintendent, Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso noted in the goodwill message that “with the support of his wife and family, Rev. Thomas J. Lambon has been a very hardworking and pleasant fellow that we have all come to love and appreciate”. Rev. Lambon’s sense of duty and desire to see to it that the work of God is accomplished was also highlighted by Rev. Prof. Frimpong-Manso. The Nakpanduri Central A/G Church in a goodwill message also acknowledged the good works of Rev. Lambon in increasing the membership of the church since taking over and emphasized his selfless act of seeing to the developmental needs of the church. The message also noted that “your dedication, commitment, insight anchored with love kept the church united, determined, progressive and unshakeable till this very glorious day.

Various gifts were presented to Rev. Lambon and his wife from well-wishers, ministers, members, the local church, district and the region. The Assemblies of God Minister’s Pension Scheme also presented Rev. Lambon’s End-of-Service Benefits to him. Rev. Baba I. Alhassan led the congregation to pray for the retiring minister and family. Rev. Thomas Lambon and his family in their response during the climax of the ceremony expressed their profound gratitude to all for their prayers, gifts and presence at their retirement service. The M.C for the event was Rev. Dr. Steven Wengam, Senior Pastor of Cedar Mountain A/G.
Rev. Thomas J. Lambon was born in November 1954, at Jilik. He was born to peasant farmers by the names Najok Lambon and Konduuk Lambon, both of blessed memory. He grew up with his parents on the farm. He was the second male child out of nine children.

In 1961 his parents sent him to school and he was among the pioneers of Jilik L/A Primary. Unfortunately, his father died in the same year. Despite the challenges he faced, he continued his elementary education from 1961-1966.
The school was moved from Jilik to Bunkpurugu. Rev. Lambon traveled to Bunkpurugu every day to pursue education. Being the second male child of the father, he dropped from school in 1968 to assist his senior brother on the farm to enable them to take care of their mother and siblings.
Rev. Thomas remained in farming until his younger brothers were grown enough to assist him on the farm in 1972. He left home to seek greener pastures in the southern part of the country and found himself in the Denkyira district of the Central Region in a village called Tomtom near Dunkwa Offinso. There, he worked on a cocoa farm for three years. Whiles in Denkyira, he worshipped with the Methodist Church of Ghana. This was due to the nonexistence of Assemblies of God Church in Denkyira District at the time. The leadership of the church paid a regular visit to Rev. Thomas Lambon and encouraged him in his faith. Rev. Thomas Lambon accepted Christ as his Lord and personal savior when he was a teenager in 1965. He sat under the Ministry of late Rev. B. K. Peter, and was later Baptized in the Bunkpurugu wang river by Rev. Rtd. Yakubu Kujar in 1969. As an enthusiastic young man, Rev.
Thomas Lambon served in Jilik A/G Church in various offices. He was a Sunday school superintendent, youth leader, Sunday school teacher and, recording secretary of the church.
The Late Rev. Simon Masak on seeing the potential in Thomas encouraged him to go to Bible school. In 1976, He responded to the call of God and was allowed to write the entrance examination. He passed successfully but had no financial support to pursue the course. Rev. Simon Masak recommended him to Miss. Spencer, a resident Missionary in the District for sponsorship. Unfortunately, Miss Spencer could not give him the needed support.
In 1977, a young missionary by the name Miss. Molvic visited her colleagues and this problem was laid before her and she offered him a scholarship. Thomas then enrolled as a student in Northern Ghana Bible Institute in that same year. In his second year in Bible school, he was made the timekeeper for the school. In 1979, the school gave him another scholarship for being of good behavior in class. He graduated on the 7th December 1979 with a Diploma in Theology.
After his graduation, he was posted to Najong No. 2 A/G Church in January 1980, and in March, he was installed by Rev. Jeremiah Kombat the then Presbyter of the district. He pastored Najong No. 2 from 1980 to 1991. He wedded his lovely wife, madam Salomey Lambon on the 8th December 1983. Their union has been blessed with 5 children with 4 surviving. They are Victoria, Gladys, Gabriel and Seth. They have also been blessed with 2 grandchildren, Jepheth and Jedidah. In 1991, he willingly resigned from the church due to some challenges. In that same year, he took up a newly planted church in Kinkangu which had less than forty membership. However, through hard work, the membership increased and a new church building was put up for them
with the support of the Regional Council. Immediately after the completion of the church, He was transferred to Nakpanduri A/G Church in March 1995.
Rev. Thomas held exhorter paper from 1980 to 1983 and was upgraded to licentiate Pastor in 1984 and later ordained on 3rd February 1987. Before his ordination, he served as Sunday school representative of the district from 1983 to 1985.
Besides, Rev. Thomas Lambon was elected as a treasurer in 1985 and served in this office for six years. He was again elected as the presbyter of the District in 1991. He served in this office for ten years and was voted out in 2001. After leaving this office, he became a district pastor from 2004 to 2006.
Under his leadership as a District pastor of the Nakpanduri district, he collaborated with both Bimbagu North and South churches to plant two churches at Nasuan and Gbintiri. It is under his leadership that Boaterigu A/G Church was planted. Plans are underway to lay a foundation for the church of Boaterigu. The church of Boaterigu is so dear to him and he wished to have roofed it before going if on retirement, however, he is challenged financially. Rev. Thomas Lambon took up the Nakpanduri A/G church in March 1995 with a membership of about a hundred. Within five years the church building became too small to accommodate members. As a man of vision, he laid the foundation for a new modern auditorium. Being a man of commitment and principle, he sacrificed his rights and entitlement to get the facility to where it is, though not completed, we have a place of worship. Glory be to God! Hallelujah!
Rev. Thomas being full of passion and zeal to improve himself, sat for the West African Advance school of Theology (W.A.A.S.T) entrance examination in 2009 and passed successfully. But due to financial challenges, he could not go until 2013 when his church decided to sponsor him to further his education. He was admitted into W.A.A.S.T in February 2013. Despite his age, he worked tirelessly and came out with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology (BTH).
When A/G Ghana decided to re-demarcate the regions into further smaller units for administrative convenience, Rev. Thomas Lambon was elected as the secretary to Region C or upper North region. He served in this office from 2015 to 2018. Rev. Lambon has raised several young ministers into A/G, Ghana. A few among them include Rev. Anthony Weingam, Rev. Dawuda Gberik, Rev. Ben Yakubu, Lay pastor Mwatey Lambon, Lay Pastor Damintoon Kansuk, and Lay Pastor Nicholas Nimako Atta.