Retirement service has been held in honour of one of the longest-serving and a stalwart servant, Rev. Moses Seidu Sumaila, and wife, Mrs. Naomi Seidu Sumaila on 24th April 2021 at Hope Assemblies of God at Atimatim, Kumasi in Ashanti North region. The ceremony was attended by several dignitaries including the General Superintendent, Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso, General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Kwame Bismark Bansah, and the General Treasurer, Rev. Dr. Sam Ato Bentil, who officiated the ceremony with support from the Regional Executives of the region and other Senior and past national executives such as Rev. Appiah Boachie and Rev. Prof. Paul Dapaah. In attendance was also the Pension Board Chairman, Mr. Baba Mahama, the Head of Operations at the AG Head office, Rev. Dr. Freeman Osei-Tete, and the National Pension Administrator, Mr. Felix Nana Boakye, and a host of well-wishers across the length and breadth of the country to grace the ceremony.

Rev. Sumaila until his retirement was the Head Pastor of Hope AG in Atimatim, Kumasi in the Atimatim district. He served for 50 years in this noble organization and held several positions including Assistant General Superintendent, and also assumed the office of the General Superintendent. The profile below highlights the ministerial works and other experiences of Rev. Moses Seidu Sumaila.

Rev. Moses Seidu Sumaila was born again in 1965. He responded to the call of God into the ministry in 1971 and attended the Northern Ghana Bible Institute, Kumbungu, now (Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, ACTS). He graduated in November 1973 with Diploma in Biblical Studies.
Between 1998 and 2000, he studied at the West African Advanced School of Theology (WAAST), Lome. Togo and graduated with Bachelor in Theology (B.Th). From 2008 to 2010, he attended the University of Ghana Legon. and obtained a Master of Arts in Adult Education.
Over the years. Rev. Moses S. Sumaila undertook courses, attended conferences, and several seminars in and outside Ghana, such as the Billy Graham Itinerant Evangelists Conference in 1983. the Amsterdam and Haggai Institute Leadership Seminar 19SG -Singapore among other notable courses and pieces of training.
Rev. Moses Seidu Sumaila got married to Miss. Naomi Pagashida Sogene, a nurse at the Bawku Presbyterian Hospital on July 10, 1974. She rose to the rank of Principal Nursing Officer (PNO -Matron). Mrs. Naomi Seidu Sumaila played a supportive role in the success of the husband’s ministry. She was the president of the Ministers’ Wives Association when the husband served as the General Superintendent of the unexpired term of late General Superintendent. Rev. W.W. Dontoh. Their union is blessed with five adult children; three (3) females and two (2) males. They have seven (7) grandchildren.
Rev. Moses Seidu Sumaila served in the following churches after graduating from Bible School.
Bawku Central A/G, Associate Pastor 1972-1974
Trinity A/G – Akwatialine, Kumasi 1975-1980
Glad Tidings – Adiebeba, Kumasi 1992-2005
AGCM, KNUST Campus 1993-2005
Hope A/G, Atimatim, Kumasi 2016-2021
Gospel Light A/G, Tanoso – Abuakwa, Kumasi – (Latter part of 2011 – 2012, nine months when the substantive pastor was taken ill).
Mid-Ghana Bible College 2010-2012
Lighthouse Assembly of God, Toronto-Canada
Rev. Moses Seidu Sumaila is a pastor, teacher, and conflict resolution expert. He is firm but fair. Through the Ministry of Rev. Sumaila, many persons received the call of God to attend Bible School. Some of them are Rev. Joseph Kalari, Maranatha Charismatic Centre, Tamale, Rev. Job Tindanbil, Zuarungu A/G, Bolgatanga, Samuel Gyamfy, Heaven’s Gate A/G, Kumasi.
As a local church pastor, he led the churches he shepherded to plant the following churches’
1. Nayoko A/G – Bawku
2. Victory Valley – Buokrom
3. Bethel A/G – Ayigya
4. Tepa A/G, Tepa
5. Christ Dominion Temple, Kejasi-Abuakwa Housing.
In addition to these were hundreds of churches that were planted when he served as Presbyter and District Superintendent.
Rev. Moses Seidu Sumaila’s rise to leadership in Assem¬blies of God Ghana began at humble levels and progressed to the highest office in Assemblies of God, Ghana, from 1977 to 1978, he was appointed CA’s (Youth) Representative for Ashanti/Kwahu Section. He was elected as the Sectional Treasurer in 1979, and in 1980 at the Southern District Council at Saltpond, he was elected Presbyter for Ashanti/Kwahu Section. When Rev. Moses Sumaila was elected the Presbyter for the Section, for the first time in the history of Assemblies of God, Ghana, the house resolved following a motion that the office is made full-time. Rev. Moses Sumaila accepted the challenge, resigned from Trinity Assembly, and led the Section from 1980 to 1987.
During his tenure as Presbyter, the Section experienced tremendous growth. From about twenty-seven (27) local churches, the number rose to over one hundred (100) local assemblies. The Yeji area of the Brong Ahafo region was added to Ashanti Section. There was massive numerical growth in terms of the number of pastors. The spiritual fervor of the Section was remarkable. This was as a result of constant seminars and retreats that were regularly organized to sharpen pastors and deacons alike. He is indebted to the loyalty and commitment the entire body of the section demonstrated. Rev. Sumaila is described as one of the greatest preachers in the 21st Century. He has virtually preached in every district and region in Ghana. He has been the main speaker at revival services, crusades, Easter Conventions, etc.
The proposal to divide/split the Southern Ghana District Council into two councils started between 1985 and 1987. In 1987, at Kwame Nkrumah University of Technology (KNUST) the decision was reached; two councils were set up: Coastal District, and Mid-Ghana District. Rev. Moses Seidu Sumaila was elected District Superintendent for the Mid-Ghana District. He continued to serve full-time as resolved by the district council. Both the Section and the District acknowledged God’s grace and giftings upon him and called on him to serve full time to devote his time to enhance the growth and development of the district.
It was during his tenure of service that the Mid-Ghana Bible College (defunct) was started, and a 35-acre land was acquired at Bronkrong-Afrancho for construction of the Bible College. Currently, the property serves as the Assemblies of God University.
Rev. Moses Seidu Sumaila led the Mid-Ghana District from 1987 to 1992. Subsequently, in 1992, he took up the pastorate at Glad Tidings A/G at Adiebeba and served for thirteen (13) years. While serving at Adiebeba, he was elected Assistant General Superintendent in 2002. He served in this position till 2009. When the General Superintendent (the late Rev. W. W. Dontoh) died. Per the provision of the constitution, he served the unexpired term as the General Superintendent. Each of the offices Rev. Moses S. Sumaila was elected to serve, the church called on him to serve on full-time i.e. from Presbyter to General Superintendent.
CHAIRMAN – Education Unit 2002-2004
MEMBER – Education Board 2010 – 2012
CHAIRMAN – National Department Directors 2002-2009
CHAIRMAN – Ashanti Region Election Committee
While serving at Glad Tidings at Adiebeba, Rev. Moses Seidu Sumaila was appointed to serve as the Campus Pastor at KNUST. This was during a very critical period of the Ministry’s life when Rev. Ransford Obeng seceded from Assemblies of God, Ghana. He served as Campus Pastor from 1993/1994 academic year till 20004/2005 academic year.
The ministry grew under his leadership. He led and organized Missions outreaches where students of the KNUST campus and the Kumasi Polytechnic (now Technical University, Kumasi Campus, mobilized resources, went on missions and planted churches, held revival meetings to strengthen some local churches. AGCM (KNUST Campus) grew in leaps and bounds under his leadership. Some of the students he pastored are into full-time ministry serving in various capacities.
The enormous contribution of Rev. Moses Seidu Sumaila to resolving conflicts in Assemblies of God, Ghana cannot be over-emphasized. As Assistant General Superintendent, he played critical roles in resolving in the local, district, regional and national levels. At the national level, he led a committee to Glad Tidings, Sunyani to help resolve issues that potentially threatened to break up the church about the third time. He traveled to Bawku on two occasions for the resolution of church conflicts.
In one week, he traveled to Yendi twice to resolve another situation that threatened to divide the church. On the international front, Rev. Moses S. Sumaila was sent to Canada to deal with the amalgamation (merger) of two Ghanaian Assemblies of God churches. He spent three (3) months in Canada dialoguing with both sides i.e., the leadership of both assemblies and the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC), the Parent Organization having oversight of the church.
On the international front. Rev. Moses S. Sumaila was sent to Canada to deal with the amalgamation (merger) of two Ghanaian Assemblies of God churches. He spent three (3) months in Canada dialoguing with both sides i.e., the leadership of both assemblies and the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC), the Parent Organization having oversight of the church.
The Gambia situation was another remarkable one. A call from the chairman of the Fellowship of Evangelical Churches in the Gambia to the General Superintendent (late Rev. W. W. Dontoh) made him send Rev. Sumaila within 24 hours to the Gambia. The Gambian government had threatened to deregister (close down) the Ghana church in the Gambia. For a week, Rev. Moses Seidu Sumaila held series of meetings between the government – i.e. leadership of the Bureau of National Investigation (BNI), the Ghana Mission, and the Fellowship of Evangelical Church leadership. After a week of meetings, the government permitted the Ghana church to continue operations.
Rev. Moses Seidu Sumaila was appointed Principal o Mid-Ghana Bible College in 2010. He served the school until he resigned as Principal in the 2012 academic year Enrolment of students increased tremendously. He began the process of building a fence wall around the property starting at the frontage of the college.
Rev, Moses Seidu Sumaila traveled with other officers o! the church (A/G Ghana) in the service of the church. He traveled with the late Rev. W.W. Dontoh to the USA and Canada. To the West Coast, he traveled to Ivory Coast, Lome, Togo Burkina Faso, and Sierra Leone, to represent Assemblies of God Ghana.
After the Sierra Leone civil war, the Assemblies of God Ghana upon the request of Assemblies of God USA, under-took evangelistic campaign to revive and plant new churches in Sierra Leone. The Assemblies of God Ghana sent Rev. Moses S. Sumaila as Ghana’s missionary to Sierra Leone. For three (3) months Rev. Moses Seidu Sumaila was engaged in preaching in revival services or evangelistic crusades. Three (3) churches were planted in Freetown and two churches were planted outside Freetown.
Rev. Sumaila believes his story will not be complete without acknowledging pastors he worked with across the length and breadth of the Assemblies of God, Ghana. From the office of Presbyter to the office of General Superintendent, God brought all categories of people his way, who made him succeed in his service to God, and the church. From Ashanti /Kwahu Section, Mid-Ghana District Council, to the National Head Office, he worked with loyal and committed brethren i.e. both colleagues and staff alike”.
At the local church level, his first pastorate as the Associate Pastor at Bawku, (UER), Trinity Assembly, Kumasi, Glad Tidings, Adiebeba, and the lovely people of Hope Assembly-Atimatim; Rev. Sumaila is grateful to you all for being partners with him in ministry to succeed.
Rev. Moses Seidu Sumaila would be remembered in Assemblies of God Ghana for a long time, for being selfless, a powerful preacher, and having endured many challenges with a positive attitude as a soldier of the cross.