Retirement service has been held in honour of Rev. Moses Mensah, and his wife, Rev. Mrs. Annie Mensah on Sunday 14th December 2021 at Tema Central Assemblies of God, Community 4. The ceremony was attended by several dignitaries including the General Treasurer, Rev. Dr. Sam Ato Bentil who officiated the ceremony, with the support of the Regional and the District Executives.

In attendance also was the National Pension Administrator, Mr. Felix Nana Boakye, Rev. Dr. Alfred Akumbie (Regional Secretary of Accra East), Rev. Samuel Cofie (Tema District Pastor), Retired Ministers as well as a host of well-wishers across the country. Rev. Moses Mensah and Rev. Mrs. Annie Mensah until their retirement were the Head Pastor and Associate Pastor respectively of Peace Assemblies of God, Tema-Comm. 1, in the Tema District. He served the organization for 27 years whiles Rev. Mrs. Annie Mensah also served for 6 years.

Rev. & Rev. Mrs. Mensah held several positions during their pastoral ministry. The profile below highlights the ministerial works, achievements, and other experiences of Rev. & Rev. Mrs. Mensah.
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings being made conformable unto his death – Philippians 3:10

Rev Moses Mensah was born on 25th November 1954 at Essaso, West Akyem District, to Kwesivi Aseese, who hails from Kpontey, South Tongu District, and Maame Yaa Taylor of Essaso, all of the blessed memory. In search of greener pastures, the family moved from Essaso and settled in Nyinabontoa, the last town in lower Denkyira under Odeefo Boa Amponsem of Jukwa in Twifo Hemang Lower Denkyira District, early 1957, before Ghana’s independence.
He attended Wawase Roman Catholic Primary School and Local Authority Middle School for Middle School Leaving Certificate (MSLC) in 1970/71, all in Twifo Hemang Lower Denkyira District. He later enrolled at Tema Secondary School (afternoon classes) for O’ Level Certificate in 1988 and proceeded to Maritime University for Competence in Radiotelephony and Safety of Life at Sea in 1989.
Before that, he had accepted The Lord Jesus Christ and wanted to learn more about Him, so he went to Maranatha Bible College for a Certificate in Theology from 1982 to 1984.
After working with Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) for some time, he decided to be in full-time ministry. He therefore resigned and went to the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (AGTS), formerly known as Southern Ghana Bible college (SGBC), for Diploma in Theology from 1991 to 1993.
After his ordination, he enrolled at West African Advanced School of Theology in Togo for a Degree in Theology from 1999 to 2001. Finally, he went to South Western Assemblies of God University, the U.S.A. for his Master’s degree. He deferred his course to study in Ghana at Changing Ways Bible College and Seminary, where he gained his Masters in Biblical Studies from 2004 to 2006. He also attended the Graduate School of Governance and Leadership in Accra in 2013.
After completing elementary school, he worked with a private timber firm from 1971 to 1972 in the same district of Twifo Hemang Lower Denkyira in a town called Affiaso. He moved to Awiebo near Ayinase in Elembele District for coconut farming in 1974. Later, he came back to Essaso to cultivate cocoa on his grandfather’s land.
In 1975, he came to Tema and immediately worked with Unilever Ghana (Lever Brothers Limited). He later gained full employment with Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) as a marine signaller. He worked at GPHA for fifteen years.
He resigned from GPHA in 1991 to pursue full-time ministry. He entered Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (AGTS) in the same year, to pursue his Diploma in Theology.
In 1983, he found love in a beautiful woman, Annie Benyarku, at Revival Assemblies of God, Community five (5). They got engaged in December 1985 and blessed their union in early 1986. The wedding was officiated by Rev. Stephen Amponsah of blessed memory.
Their marriage was blessed with three (3) lovely daughters; Anastasia, Constance, and Theodora. Besides, his first son Kweku Boakye Mensah, who is now in the U.S.A. (Chicago), was born to him early in 1982 before he got saved (Salvation). His deceased younger brother left five children in his care. He is blessed with several spiritual children and grandchildren.
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul”- Mark 8:36 (KJV)
The impact of this scripture led Rev. Moses Mensah to Christ and has subsequently guided him in the faith. He joined Powerhouse Evangelistic Ministry (PEM) in early 1982, under the leadership and grooming of Rev. Maron Akwah (Head Pastor, Maranatha A/G, Ashaiman) and Rev. Dr. Gordon Kisseih (General Overseer, Life International Church, Formerly, Miracle Life Gospel Church). This was where he received the unquenchable drive for evangelism. Since PEM was just a fellowship, prayer, and evangelism group, he decided to join Assemblies of God because it was (and still is) the most Word-based church in Ghana. He joined Revival A/G at Community five (5) under the spiritual leadership of Rev. Paul Anthony, who baptized him in water. He also received the Holy Ghost baptism. Rev. Anthony spiritually led him to confirm his calling into full-time ministry in the same year 1982. He served at this local church till he was fully equipped to oversee a church.
In 1993, Rev. Moses Mensah, after completing Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (AGTS), formerly known as Southern Ghana Bible College (SGBC), was appointed the first Associate Pastor of his Senior Pastor, Rev. Gilbert Semenyo. His ministry began with direct duties from his Senior Pastor to prepare him through experience and mentorship. His duties included but were not limited to preaching, baptism, marriage counseling, prayer revivals, and attending Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC) meetings. This was the only way he could learn on the job as a fresh graduate from bible school.
He obeyed the leading of the Holy Spirit and resigned honourably as Associate Pastor in December 1995. He planted the Resurrection Power Assemblies of God Church, at Tema, Community Two (2) in January 1996. He was then transferred, in March 1996, to Bible Way Assemblies of God Church, Cantonment, Accra because there was a pressing need for a pastor. His appointment was supervised by the Regional Superintendent, Rev. W. W. Dontoh (Former General Superintendent A/G, Ghana) of blessed memory, and his team at the time.
In November 1996, he returned to Tema after much deliberation and collective consultation. He officially took over as the Head Pastor of Peace Assemblies of God Church, Tema, Community one (1). He was ably supported in all aspects by his predecessor and former Tema Zonal Pastor, Rev. Gabby Dzisah (Head Pastor, Tema Christian Centre, Community 12), the former Tema Zonal Secretary, Rev. Nissi Diafo (Former Head Pastor, New life A/G, Tema New Town) and all pastors in the Tema District. “Great feet come with greater challenges.”
Peace A/G was a growing church when Rev. Moses Mensah took over. Amidst the continued spiritual growth of members, the church had no permanent place of worship, mission house, or some movable church chattels. Nevertheless, “So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy….” Romans 9:16. Though it has tarried, we say it to the Glory of God that we have acquired our place of worship with a permanent residence for a pastor. We moved to our church premises (not yet completed) on 8th April 2018. We wholly credit this achievement to the Almighty God, Rev. Gabby Dzisah, District and Regional Executives, all past and present deacons, church leaders, and church members, for their endless support. We say God bless you.
Rev. Moses Mensah through his abled leadership started the Old Ningo A/G Church. It has been credited to him as a baby of Peace and was supported at Ningo by Pastor Ebenezer Ayer A/G. Over the years, he has groomed and mentored pastors, Pastor’ wives, and many leaders. Rev. Theophilus Odonkor (Head Pastor, Calvary Love A/G, East Legon), Rev. Ebenezer Ayer (Head Pastor, Priesthood Worship A/G, Community 6, Tema), Rev. Mrs. Annie Mensah (Peace A/G, Community 1, Tema), Rev. Vida Asamoah (Pastor, Tema Christian Center, Community 12, Tema), Pastor Mrs. Celestine Agbodeka (Dominion Family Chapel A/G, Community 25, Tema), Pastor Charles Asare (Abundant Grace A/G, Community 25, Tema) Pastor Martin Obeng (Head Pastor, Soul Winners A/G, Dawhenya) and Pastor Elijah Danso (Student Pastor, AGTS), just to mention a few, are the results of his spiritual leadership.
He extended his priestly duties to the benefit of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC). He served the GPCC from 1990 till he gave way to the new generation of leaders in 2018. He served as a Treasurer of the GPCC under the Chairmanship of Apostle Anaman of blessed memory (The Apostolic Church, Community 1, Tema) and also as a Vice-Chairman under the Chairmanship of Apostle Ahalivour (Church of Pentecost, Community 5, Tema). He was privileged to work with Apostle S. N. Mensah (General Overseer, Full Gospel Church) and Apostle Cudjoe of blessed memory (Church of Pentecost, Community 5, Tema), just to mention a few.
In conclusion, Rev. Moses Mensah is a man of intriguing faith, affable, and without doubt, a true man of God who served his flock with gusto and enthusiasm. He is a warrior who has fought a good fight, runs a good race to this end, and has also touched many lives in Assemblies of God and other churches. He will forever be remembered in our hearts for his diligence and hard work.

Hebrews 12:1-2 As for us, we have this large crowd of witnesses around us. So then let «.v rid ourselves of everything that gets in the way, and of the sin which holds on to us so tightly, and let us run with determination the race that lied before as, let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end.
Rev. Mrs. Annie Mensah, nee, Annie Benyarku was born on 5th October 1957, in Obuasi in the Ashanti Region, to Mr. Benyarku of Cape Coast and Mary Acquah of Abandzi, all of the blessed memory. She attended Prestea Anglican Primary and Middle school for Middle School Leaving Certificate (MSLC). She continued her education at Nungua Secondary Commercial and passed out with Government Secretariat Typist Grade II.
In 1976, she was employed with Controller and Accountant General, Treasury Department, as a Typist Grade II, and also worked as a church accounts clerk in Revival Assembly of God church, Community 5, Tema. She got converted through PowerHouse Evangelistic Ministry in 1976 and became a staunch member of that group before joining Community 5 Assembly of God Church under Rev. Stephen Amponsah of blessed memory.
In 1986, she got married to Rev. Moses Mensah who was then a deacon under the leadership of Rev. Paul Anthony. Their marriage was blessed with three children, Anastasia, Constance, and Theodora. They have two grandchildren namely, Owusua and Kojo Buamah.
To enrich her knowledge in the Word, she attended Lay Workers Course land II, Ministers Wife course I and II, and finally decided to attend full-time Bible College from 2012 to 2014. She was ordained as a Minister of Assemblies of God in 2020.
Her exposure as a member of Women’s Ministry at Revival Assembly of God church, community 5, and Bible Way Assembly of God Church, Cantonment, Accra, granted her the rich experience needed to help the Women and Children’s Ministries at Peace Assembly of God Church, Community one, Tema.
She has been a mother to many people, especially the children and youth in the church. She is a good Counsellor and a great substitute for a preacher, in the absence of the Head Pastor.
Above all, she is a good helpmate to Rev. Moses Mensah, her husband, and a woman of virtue who loves the things of God.