Retirement service has been held for Rev. Michael Evans Boahen & Rev. Mrs. Theresa Boahen, who have been in active ministry for the past 35 years and 37 years respectively. The occasion was held on 7th September, 2019 at Charity Assemblies of God, Adenta, Accra in the Greater Accra West region. Until their retirement, Rev. Boahen & Rev. Mrs. Boahen were the head Pastor and Associate Pastor of the above-mentioned church. The occasion brought together several high profile ministers and well-wishers across the country including Rev. Dr. Sam Ato Bentil, General Treasurer, Rev. Ernest Birikorang, Greater Accra West Superintendent, Rev. Peter Bandim, the National Pensions Administrator and other ministers in the region as well as the district.

Various goodwill messages were read on behalf of Assemblies of God Ghana, from the region, district and local church where he served. In his goodwill message, Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso in a statement acknowledged Rev. & Rev. Mrs. Boahen’s contributions to Assemblies of God Ghana in supporting to plant churches in Madina and its environs. He also recognized their humility and dedication in the propagation of the gospel and expressed his appreciation on behalf of AG Ghana for such commitment and congratulated the couple for their selfless service. Rev. Frimpong-Manso concluded by wishing them good health, long life and a fulfilling retirement. The regional Superintendent also eulogized the faithfulness and diligence of the couple.

Several gifts were also presented to the couple including an end of service package delivered by Rev. Bandim to the couple on behalf of AG Ghana. The region, district and the local church as well as the departments took turns to show their appreciation and also made donations to the couple. Rev. & Rev. Mrs. Boahen in their closing remarks expressed their appreciation to the Almighty God for His blessings, provision and protection towards them. Finally, they expressed profound gratitude to pastors and individuals who had supported their ministry.
Assemblies of God Ghana in 2014 reviewed and implemented a revised policy to retire Ministers who turn 65. This policy seeks to give retired Ministers a befitting retirement package after serving the organization and this has been an improvement on the old policy.
Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God (2 Corinthians 3:5)

Rev. Michael Evans Boahen was born to Mr. Bernard Boahen and Madam Theresa Yaa Duah, both of blessed memory, on 6th day of March, 1952 at Twifo Hemang in the Central Region of Ghana. As nature will have it, Michael lost his father when he was three (3) months in the womb.
A year after his birth, another man married his mother and did not accept Michael into their matrimonial home, so he was left in the custody of his maternal grandmother who was also a widow at a farming village called Wassa Kwamang in the Amenfi West District in the Western Region. So life was already difficult for Michael, but by the grace of God and through the effort of his grandmother, he was educated to Middle School Form Four. After completion of the Form Four in 1967, Michael worked with Travellers Hotel, the present day Midwood Hotel at beach road, Takoradi for one year.
Then in 1970, Michael went to Samreboi to work with African Timber and Plywood (ATP) at the sawmill maintenance department as a Craft Trainee from 1970 to 1977. It was during this time that a young and energetic Christian by name James Appiah Asiamah of blessed memory witnessed to Michael and he wholeheartedly accepted Christ as his Lord and personal Saviour in 1973. Michael and some Christian brothers started the Samreboi Christian Fellowship.
Whilst fellowshipping with the Christian Fellowship, the Lord opened the door for him to come to Accra to work with a Christian Organization called “Every Home Crusade”.
In Accra, Michael Evans Boahen one day went around looking for a Pentecostal Church where he can fellowship and came across Evangel Assemblies of God Church, and immediately took a decision that he will worship with this church. At Evangel Church, he was popularly called Brother Evans.
He did not relax whilst he was at the church. He was a Twi interpreter, a Sunday School Teacher, Youth Secretary and in charge of the early morning church devotion. With all this he was still working with “Every Home Crusade”. One thing that brought a lot of blessings to Evans today is that when he was working with the gospel ministry, he was paying tithe to the ministry and at the same time paying tithe at the church.
In 1982, Michael Evans Boahen had a call to work as a full time Minister of the Gospel and enrolled in the Southern Ghana Bible Institute, now Assemblies of God Theological Institute for three years pastoral training.
Rev, Michael Boahen met his wife at the Bible School when he was in the first year and the wife, then Miss Theresa Baiden was in the final year. Theresa, after graduating from the Bible School have to wait for two years for Michael to graduate, After Michael graduated from the Bible School in November 1984, the two tied the knot on the 23rd day of March, 1985. The Almighty God has blessed this union with four strong bearded young men.
After graduating from the Bible College, Michael’s mother church, the Evangel Assembly of God, opened a branch for him at Mataheko but the members of the church did not accept Evans as their pastor with no tangible reason. So Michael became very desperate with the place of ministry. But thanks be to God who has work for His people before calling them. One day Evans met his old friend who was also his roommate at the Bible College; the late Rev, William W. Dontoh who told Evans that “I heard your story but don’t worry God has a place of ministry for you. I have started a small church at a village called Adenta, a suburb of Madina, if you wouldn’t mind you can go and take care of the church”. Evans told him to give him some few weeks to pray about it.
After some weeks of prayer, Rev. Boahen was finally posted to Adenta Village. In fact, upon arriving at the village, he nearly refused to be the Pastor of the church, looking at the environment. No light, no pipe-borne water and above all you have to walk about a mile from the main Accra-Aburi road to the village. But thanks be to God for the good wife He gave him.
For more than four times Michael made a decision to leave the place but any time he suggests to his wife, she will say; “If we leave here, God will accomplish the purpose for which He brought us here with another person and we will hear of it and be ashamed”. So with his wife’s encouragement they stayed and today we are seeing God’s glory and blessing at Charity Assembly of God, Adenta.
In 1995, Rev. Michael Evans Boahen went to Canada to pursue his First Degree in Theology. While in Canada Rev. Boahen pastored the then only Assemblies of God church in Toronto, i.e. 104, Arrow Road A/G for one year. Rev. Michael Evans Boahen has officiated over 250 marriages and dedicated over 300 babies, of which some of them are working abroad, some of them medical doctors and some of them C.E.Os.
Rev. Boahen has held a number of positions in Assemblies of God, Ghana. He was first appointed as the Madina Zonal Secretary from 1985-1990. Other positions held include:
- Madina Zonal Leader -1991 to 1994
- Greater Accra Sectional Secretary- 1991 to 1994
- Greater Accra Minister’s Welfare Chairman- 1996 to 2002
- Madina District Pastor – 1997 to 2002
- Greater Accra Regional Secretary- 2002 to 2014
We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28)

Theresa Boahen was born to Mr. J.K. Danso and Ms. Christiana Gyasi both of Juaso in the Ashanti Region of Ghana on 7th July, 1954. She started her basic education at Juaso L/A 1 primary in 1960 and completed at the Juaso L /A 2 Middle School Form four in 1972. From 1978 to 1980, she worked at the Cocoa Marketing Board (Production) at Asiakwa in the Eastern Region during which she became born again through her two daughters. She then joined the Assemblies of God at Koforidua and since then has been a woman of God.
The call of God came on her life when she was a member of Calvary Assemblies of God in Koforidua. She responded to the call and attended Southern Ghana Bible Institute in the year 1980 and completed in 1982 with a diploma in Theology. She was posted together with the husband to Adenta in 1985 and they have been there till their retirement day by the grace of God. From 2005 to 2007, Rev. Mrs, Theresa Boahen returned to school for a degree course. In addition, she received a certificate on HIV/AIDS from the Haggai Institute and a certificate of honour from AGREDS.
For her ministry outside the church, Rev. Mrs, Boahen has been influential on both TV and Radio. From 1998 to 2005, she was a guest on the show Mmaankomo which was aired on GTV. For radio, she spoke on Nnaamafo nkomo on Channel R from 2001 to 2004. She also worked with the late Maame Afia Konadu on Peace FM, Mama Kwapong on Asempa & Adorn FM and Maame Akua also on Asempa & Adorn FM.
Positions held by Rev.Mrs. Boahen include:
W.M Representative at Eastern Region- 1983 to 1984
Missionette Representative Greater Accra- 1986 to 2005
Minister’s Wives Secretary – 2002 to 2014
District Secretary – 2003 to 2008
Greater Accra Ministerial committee Member- 2007 till date
Rev and Rev. Mrs. Boahen have also been partners of the Morris Cerullo Ministry and have had the privilege to attend conferences and programs organized in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Israel and Nigeria. Several churches were planted under the ministry of Rev. & Rev. (Mrs.) Boahen. Notable ones among them include: Resurrection Power A/G – Ashale Botwe; New Life A/G – Oyarifa; Amazing Grace A/G – Oyibi; God’s Ultimate Power A/G – Danfa; Unity A/G – Haatso; House of Prayer A/G – Agbogba; Twifo Hemang A/G; and Calvary Love A/G – East Legon.
Several ministers have also been trained by Rev. Boahen and they include: Rev. Kinsley Duncan Arhin- Restoration Ministry; Rev. Bright Joel Padi (Rtd) – God’s Ultimate Power A/G; Rev. Godlieb Ameho (Rtd) – Amazing Grace A/G; Rev. Laud Swanzy- Charity A/G; Pastor Samuel Pilly-Apreko- Charity A/G; Pastor Daniel Acheampong- Charity A/G; Deacon Kweku Yeboah-Afari- Lay Worker, Charity A/G; Sister Ama Dankwah- Lay Worker, Charity A/G; Mrs. Patience Sabuki- Ebenezer Christian Fellowship; and Rev. (Mrs.) Frimpong Dede – Now in Madina District (Trained as lay worker first at Charity A/G).
Rev. and Rev. (Mrs.) Boahen have also started an auditorium which when completed can house about four thousand congregation. Today, Rev. Michael Evans Boahen and Rev, (Mrs.) Theresa Boahen are retiring from active ministry with the Assemblies of God, Ghana, but they are not tired.