Retirement and commendation service have been held for Rev. James Abdulai to bring to an end 42 years of excellent pastoral ministry. The occasion was held on Saturday 28th November 2020 at Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Kumbungu (North campus) in the North West region. Until his retirement, Rev. Abdulai was the Vice President of Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Kumbungu (North campus). The ceremony brought several dignitaries from far and near including the Executive Presbytery Officers, Head of Operations, Regional executives, District executives and ministers across the country. The colourful ceremony was officiated by the Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso supported by the General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Kwame Bansah and the General Treasurer, Rev. Dr. Sam Ato Bentil.
The sermon for the occasion was preached by Prof. Frimpong-Manso. He began by remembering one of the famous statements by the celebrant being that any time he wanted something to be done by Rev. Abulai, the celebrant will say that “We would start when we are ready and we would close when we finish”. With scripture references from Deuteronomy 34:9, Joshua 24:29, Mark 13:10 and message titled “James Abdulai, the Joshua of our time”, he indicated that Joshua means Salvation of God and Joshua was called and anointed, became a servant, a man of the word, courageous, a military strategist and a great administrator and all these attributes can be linked to the life of Rev. Abdulai. The General Superintendent also quoted Rev. Ismailia who once said “the way in is the way out” and praised Rev. Abdulai as someone who never forced himself into any position and many pastors need to emulate.

Goodwill messages was also read during the occasion to highlight the contributions made by the celebrant to the General Council. The goodwill message of the General Superintendent on AGGhana noted the immense contribution by Rev. Abdualai in shaping the direction of the North campus since 1995. He also highlighted the contributions by Rev. Abdulai at Pong AG, Tamale and Sanctuary of Glory AG. A member of the Ministers’ Pension Board, Rev. Dr. Sam Ato Bentil officially declared him as a retired minister of Assemblies of God, Ghana and presented to the celebrant his End-of-Service Benefits (ESB) package. Rev. Prof. Frimpong-Manso also presented a car to the celebrant for his contributions and as an appreciation for his selfless service. Various gifts were also presented to him by the region, district, local church, well-wishers and friends.
Rev. Abdulai and his family rendered their most sincere gratitude to all who were present for the ceremony for the roles they have played in diverse ways.
Profile of Rev. James Abdulai Nindoo

Rev. James Abdulai Nindoo was born to Kambon-naa Nindoo and Rebecca Laa-siche Napari on November 9, 1956 at Bilpeila, Tamle. He was the seventh of eight siblings. His parents were first generation members of the Assemblies of God, Church in late 1930s. He attended St. Joseph’s Primary and Bamvim Presbyterian Middle School from 1962-1972. He attempted to further his education but encountered so many challenges that hindered his progress. In 1975 he got a job at Mencillo Rice Mills limited in Tamale owned by the late Mr. E. A Mahama a veteran politician from the North. This job enabled him financially to pursue his Bible School training from March 1976 to November 1978.
Even though born to Christian parents and dedicated by the first General Superintendent of Assemblies of God, Ghana, the late Rev. Harold Lehmann, James gave his life to Jesus Christ under the ministry of the late Rev. Joseph Saman in 1973. He was baptized in water that same year and baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1974. His involvement and commitment in Church activities as Sunday School Superintendent, Teacher, Youth Ministries President and Church Secretary was a foretaste of his calling in full-time ministry. He had his call into ministry under the leadership of the late Rev. Panada Azong.
James entered the West Africa Advanced School of Theology, in Togo to pursue a Bachelor of theology in 1985. This class were the pioneers of this program. By God’s grace, they came out successfully in 1987. In 1988 he was invited to teach at the Bible School in Kumbungu where he served until 2020. He taught for seven years and took over as Principal in 1995. He has held that position for a quarter of a century. James also obtained a Master’s degree from the Assemblies of God Graduate School of Theology, Togo in 2002.
Rev. James Abdulai is a family man. He got married to Martha Bidi, a beautiful lady from Choggu Assemblies of God in 1982. This union is blessed with five (5) Children and three grand-children.
• Pong-Tamale: 1979-1980
• Sanctuary of Glory: 1981-1982
• Torchbearers A/G: 1983-1994
• Hedzirenawe, Togo: 1986
• University of Benin, Togo Campus Pastor: 1985-1986
• Be Kpota,Togo: 1987
• Sectional Treasurer: 1982-1983
• Presbyter: 1988-1996
• Acting Regional Secretary: 1994-1996
• Bible School Teacher: 1988-2020
• Vice President, ACTS: 2015-2020
• AITS Coordinator: 2015-2020
• WAAST Board member: 2015-2020
• General Council EC Chair: 1998-2010
• Jesus Film: 1991
• Faith Comes by Hearing: 1992
• Gods Story: 2008
• Walking with Jesus: 2018
• Forty Days with Jesus: 2018
• Spoken Word Worldwide: 2020
The ministry has taken James Abdulai to a few places. Among them are Togo, Burkina Faso, Benin, Nigeria, Kenya, Netherlands, Egypt and Israel.
• District Education Planning Team (Member)
• District Education Oversight Committee (Member)
• District Health Insurance (Board Chair) 2006-2011
• District Assembly (Government Appt) 2002-2008
• District Assembly (Government Appt) 2018 till date.
The many pastors he has trained who are working across Ghana and other parts of the world are the achievements of this servant of God. The greatest of it all is the continuous existence of the Assemblies of God Theological seminary, North Campus. The following were built during his tenure as Principal and Vice President of the School: dormitory, administration block and a fence wall.
During his tenure as Principal and Vice President, pastors have been trained.
• Number of graduates from 1951-1994: 286 (44 years)
• Number of graduates from 1995-2020: 907 (25 years)