Retirement and appreciation service has been organized to bring to an end nine (9) years of selfless service in honour of Rev. Jacob Wallace Hammond and his wife Mrs. Lawrencia Akosua Hammond.

The colourful ceremony was held on 14th February 2021 at Liberty Centre A/G, Lapaz-Accra in the Accra west region. Rev. Hammond until his retirement was the Senior Pastor of Grace & Mercy Seat Assemblies of God at Hebron in the Pokuase District of Accra West region. Below is the profile of Rev. Hammond.
Profile of Rev. Jacob Wallace Hammond

Rev. Jacob Wallice Tetteh Hammond was born in Osu, Accra at a height of a rainy season, precisely 22nd August 1953 to parents, Madam Akuorkoh Sowah of La and Mr. Abraham Martey Hammond of Osu Ashante all of the blessed memory. Rev. Hammond is also a great, great-grandson of legendry Tetteh Quashie who brought Cocoa from Fernando Po in 1879.
Rev. Hammond started his early education at Osu Roman Catholic School and completed his elementary school education in 1968. He did his secondary education at Osu Presbyterian Secondary School and wrote his sixth form course as a private student here in Accra. He later wrote and passed the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply, London in 1976.
On completing his school education, he was employed by the Ghana Education Service at the Headquarters in Accra and was put in charge of stores. Due to his hard work and diligence, he was promoted and given a much greater responsibility of being in charge of all the four distribution depots in Accra – Achimota, Central Accra James Town, and Tema at the inception of the Junior Secondary School (J.S.S.) programme in the country. He was part of the distribution team and worked under Mr. Atuahene (principal superintendent) and Mrs. Louisa Owusu (Assistant Director).
Rev. Hammond became born again while he was with the Osu Baptist Church in 1973 and was baptized by immersion.
Whiles with the Osu Baptist Church he joined a Christian fellowship called Christ Ambassadors. This Christian fellowship rocked the whole of Osu Township in the early ’70s turning it inside out with the word of God and grace giftings of the Holy Spirit.
The wind of Pentecostalism blew and affected the worship in the big Orthodox Churches in Osu. Osu Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, Osu Baptist church, and Osu Methodist Church were no exceptions.
Even though there was a lot of resistance, the church elders and deacons of these orthodox churches came to this fellowship “Nicodemusly” to be taught and touched by this new wave. The speaking in the language of the Spirit (tongues) and the clapping of hands became more evident during this era. Some of the comrades in Christ were Rev. Neil Hesse, Rev. Nii Teiko Dagadu who are still senior ministers of the Presbyterian Church today. Others were Rev. Julius Danquah, Rev. Daniel Digber, Bishop Seth Abbe, and Bishop Samuel Hammond.
Whiles with this Christian fellowship the Lord called him into ministry in 1976 and he became the Crusade Coordinator of the group in 1980. Rev. Hammond preached the good news in every corner and space in Osu Township for ten years and dawn broadcast and house to house visitations ie. 1976 to 1980 and from 1983 to 1989. Many surrendered their lives to Christ. He believed the world was his parish.
Rev. Hammond formed the Ghana education services fellowship and choir group in 1983 where a lot of Christians working in the ministries and some of the heads of Departments attended fellowship during the afternoon break hours of Tuesdays and Thursdays.
He joined the Four-Square Gospel church in Nigeria and worked under Rev. Osuwa at Ketu church in Lagos State. He was put in charge of the youth Crusaders and the leader of the evangelistic Team of the church. He helped in opening a lot of branches in Ketu, Alakpere, and mile 12 1/2 districts which are all doing well in Lagos, Nigeria. His comrades in Christ as at that time were Rev. Prof Kingsley Larbi the chairman and president of the Regent University in Ghana, Apostle Michael Asiedu now with the church of Pentecost Rev. Samuel Asiamah and Bro. Emmanuel Ansah Ohio, USA. He came back to Ghana and continued with the Four-Square Gospel church as an Associate Pastor of the Osu branch church. He worked under Rev. Clement Twum who just passed on in May 2020.
It is interesting to note that back in Ghana whiles Rev. Hammond was an Associated Pastor of the Four-Square Gospel Church at Osu, like a Tent minister, he was still on a tight schedule for the J.S.S national programme. He was however released by his wife’s acceptance for a full-time ministry upon careful deliberation later in 1985. He became the National Prayer Coordinator of the Four-Square Gospel Church in 1986 when Rev. Barnor was the General Superintendent of the church in Ghana.
Rev. Hammond for three years running was the secretary for the Annual Conventions of the Four-Square Gospel church in Ghana.
Rev. Hammond was given a branch church at Abeka (Rejoicing Four Square Gospel Church) in 1985. Whiles, there he was given the position of District Secretary for the Ghana Pentecostal Council when Rev. Dr. Samuel Ato Bentil was the Vice-Chairman and Rev. Kweifio the Vice Secretary.
Rev. Dr. Samuel Ato Bentil introduced him into the Assemblies of God fraternity in 2005. He worked at Liberty Center Assemblies of God as an Associate Pastor and Prayer leader from October 2005 to September 2006. In September 2006, he was posted to Hebron Assemblies of God which is now Grace and Mercy Assemblies of God located on Accra-Nsawam road to continue God’s work. For fourteen years now which is about a third of his years in ministry, Rev. Hammond has by God’s grace raised the status of the church and built a church auditorium with the help of the mother church Liberty Centre A/G. He has opened a new church branch at Darkoman, a village near Hebron. The Church has about one and a half plots of undeveloped land for future use. This was bought by Liberty Centre A/G for the church.
Rev. Hammond believed the world is his parish and has a serious heartbeat for soul winning. Rev. Grey Fisher a missionary from the U.S.A. under the auspices of the Four-Square Gospel Church in Ghana took Rev. Hammond and few others and trained them in missions in 1985. This servant of God had a strong feeling that there were genuine Bible-believing churches who had a serious core-mandate on missions and therefore opened himself up for their call for help. He helped churches like Royal World Missionaries at Osu, Christ is the Lord Ministry at Arena, Accra, and MT Calvary Cross Ministry at Achimota. He helped some briefly and others per the time necessary for good pioneering work.
1. Christ Ambassadors 1976-1980 (Crusade Coordinator)
2. Four Square Gospel Church 1983 – 1993
i. Osu Assembly (Pioneer / Pastor)
ii. Abeka Assembly (Pastor)
3. Royal World Missionaries (1993 – 1994) Pioneer / Pastor
4. MT Calvary Cross Ministry (Member of the Ghana Pentecostal Council) 1994-2005
i. Fetteh Kakraba (Missions / Pastor)
ii. Ojobi (Missions)
iii. Kwame Ettey (Missions)
iv. Community 7, Tema (Pioneer / Pastor)
v, Ashaiman (Lebanon Zone 3) (Missions / Pastor)
5. Assemblies of God, Ghana (2005 – 2020)
i. Liberty Centre A/G (Prayer Leader / Associate Pastor)
ii. Grace and Mercy Seat A/G (Pastor)
Equipping himself with knowledge in ministry. He had his training from the following institutions.
1. Harford school of Evangelism, Connecticut in the USA (Ghana Chapter) 1982
2. Haggai Institute of Advanced Leadership Training Singapore (Ghana Chapter) 1988
3. World of Faith Bible Institute Ghana 1988
4. Fours Square Gospel Bible School of West African (Ghana) 1984
5. Southern Ghana Bible College Saltpond (Diploma in Theology) 2011
Rev. Hammond is married to his very supportive wife, Mrs. Lawrencia Akosua Hammond a retired banker of Bank of Ghana, Accra who he has been within Ministry for this number of years. She has been in charge of the children’s ministry to date. Mrs. Hammond has been his unwavering pillar and has given him three lovely daughters Derby, Becky, and Sally.
Rev. J. Hammond has so far by the Grace of God worked in active ministry in the Lord’s vineyard for forty-three years (1976 – 2021). His first thanks go to the Almighty God for this great privilege and opportunity to serve Him for this number of years. He is eternally grateful to his wife, Mrs. Lawrencia Hammond for her good counsel, patience, and support through every challenge that came their way. A virtuous woman, who can find. He is grateful to Rev. Dr. Samuel Ato Bentil who introduced him into the Assemblies of God fraternity and an unseen helper in ministry. He wishes to say thank you to the church (Grace and Mercy Seat Assemblies of God) the board members and the entire church for their cooperation.
Finally, he wishes to thank all friends of Assemblies of God A/G especially the Amasaman and Pokuase Districts Pastors.