Retirement and thanksgiving service has been held for Rev. Godwin Odidii-Mintah and wife to bring to an end their 24 years in active ministry. The occasion was held on Sunday 8th December, 2019 at Living Faith Assemblies of God, Obuasi in the Ashanti West region. Until his retirement, Rev. Odidii-Mensah was the Head Pastor of Fountain of Life Chapel Assemblies of God, English Assembly in Obuasi.
Profile of Rev. Godwin Odidii-Mintah

Rev. Godwin Kwaku Odidii-Mintah was born to Gerhard Mintah and Dora A. Amoah on Wednesday 12th May, 1954 in Ho, Volta Region where his father was then working with the Government Hospital.
In 1958, his parents moved down to Nkonya Wurupong, their hometown. Here he began and had both the Primary and Middle School Education at the R.C Schools. In Form Four he was appointed and served as a Sectional Leader (Red). He completed school with the Middle School Leaving Certificate (MSLC) in 1968 with a Distinction. Later in 1968 he gained admission to Nkonya Secondary School, Nkonya Ahenkro. Rev. Odidii-Mintah took keen interest in sports. In Form five (1973), he was appointed a House Prefect (H4) and in the same year represented his school in the Regional Inter- Schools Athletics at Kpando, Volta Region in both Javelin and discus events. In June 1973, he graduated with the School Certificate, First Division.
Desiring to be a professional Accountant as his career, he enrolled at the then Institute of Professional Studies (IPS), now University of Professional Studies (UPS), Legon to purse studies towards the award of intermediate ACCA (London) Examinations. In June 1976, he wrote and passed the Intermediate Foundation Examination Part A. Rev. Godwin Odidii-Mintah in October 1976 gained his first working appointment with Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) Head office in the Administration Division in Accra. A year later he had a departmental transfer to the Accounts Division as an Accounts Supervisor.
By the witnessing efforts of a colleague Accounts supervisor (late Alex Mills), he was born again in October 1980 at the States House, Accra through the ministry of Hour of Visitation Choir and Evangelistic Association (HOVCEA). He later in the same year joined the Ghana Baptist Church as a member at Calvary Baptist Church, Adabraka.
In February 1993, he was transferred from Accra to Hohoe, Volta Region to man the District Accounts Office. It was here that he first joined the Revival Assemblies of God. He became a Sunday school teacher, Men’s Ministry Leader, Church Deacon/Secretary and a crusade preacher for local departmental programs. Another transfer in 1990 took him to Kumasi GBC as a Senior Assistant Accounts Manager (SAAM). He joined Calvary Charismatic Church (C. C. C.), “then AG English Church”, and was a Sunday School Teacher and a Home Cell Leader. In March 1993, with the Lord’s call weighing heavily upon him, Rev. Odidii-Mintah finally resigned from GBC after 17 years of public service to purse a 3-year course of study at the Mid-Ghana Bible College, Bronkrong in Kumasi. He was the class prefect throughout the 3-years of studies. He graduated with a Diploma in theology in November, 1995.
In April 1996, upon graduation from Bible College, the Ashanti Regional Executive Committee sent Pastor Odidii-Mintah to Obuasi to pioneer an A/G English Assembly. On 21st July 1996, he conducted the first church service at Antobuase Methodist classroom with seven people (including Mr. Francis Ghunney the only one still with the church). Despite the humble classroom settings, membership response was greatly favourable with mostly AGC workers, teachers, and students. For the past twenty three years serving as the founding pastor of the church, Fountain of Life Chapel has experienced some tremendous growth; spiritually, numerically and infrastructural to the glory of God.
In February, 2001 he was ordained a reverend minister. On Tuesday 2nd November, 2010 a week to the inauguration service of the then General Superintendent elect. Rev. Dr. Frimpong Manso, Rev Odidii-Mintah suffered a mild stroke. This setback initially kept him from public events and limited his habit of visiting church members. We bless the Lord for sustaining him throughout these challenging times and we prayerfully believe that the Lord will heal him completely.
Rev Odidii-Mintah did not back down in the midst of this challenge. Though in his body he bears the visible marks of the ministry and the Lord’s call, yet his inner man is renewed and is bursting forth with unquenchable zeal. Through his servant leadership qualities and the leading of the Holy Spirit, he has led Fountain of Life Chapel A/G to attain some remarkable feats to the glory of the Lord. A few are bulleted below:
• Fountain of Life Chapel blood donation exercise at Obuasi Government Hospital in 2006
• He led the church to visit the Adullam Orphanage in Obuasi on number of occasions during which some humble presentations were made.
• Street lights projects
• Visitation to the Obuasi local prisons in December 2015 where they shared the Word of God and made some donations.
• The church auditorium
•. The greatly admired church mission house (parsonage)
• Pioneer Pastor’s Retirement Home (which is also in progress)
He was also privileged for many years since 1999 to serve as the Pastor for “Monday Morning Devotion” for staff of the Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB), Obuasi Branch.
Rev. Odidii-Mintah in December 2003 led missions’ crusade effort to plant a church in Nkonya Wurupong, his hometown. Following his missionary zeal, he led the church in several evangelistic campaigns within the Obuasi municipality; notably in communities such as Bediem, Nyameso, KofiKrom, Mensakrom, etc. The Lord through these campaigns has brought many souls into His kingdom. In May this year (although in his last year in active ministry with A/G), Rev. Odidii-Mensah championed another successful crusade at Nhyiaeso after which another branch church was opened.
Rev, Odidii-Mintah pursued Bachelor of Theology at the West Africa Advanced School of Theology (WAAST) Lome, Togo earning the BTh (Hons.) degree in November, 2009. Rev. Godwin Odidii-Mintah mentored and supported the Bible school training of Pastor Ebenezer Adu who has served as his associate pastor to this day.
In January 1981, Rev. Odidii-Mintah married his faithful and hardworking wife, Mrs. Agnes Odidii-Mintah (a retired Head teacher). The Lord has blessed them with two children (Linda and Samuel) and five grandchildren.