Retirement service has been held for Rev. Emmanuel Eyorm Kwami Agbi and the wife at Central Assemblies of God, Community 4, Tema on 30th June, 2019. Until his retirement, Rev. Agbi had been in ministry for the past thirty-two (32) years. He became a senior associate minister in charge of the Children’s Ministry at Central AG, Tema and was also the first Children’s ministries director.

The occasion brought several high profile personalities and men of God from around the country. Dignitaries in attendance included the General Treasurer, Rev. Dr. Sam Ato Bentil, the Regional Superintendent of Greater Accra East, Rev. Dr. Joseph K. K. Baisie, Rev. Dr. Ernest Adulai, the preacher for the occasion, Rev. Dr. Alfred Kweku Akumbie, Regional Secretary for Greater Accra East, Rev. Peter Bandim, National Pensions Administrator and District officers within the region.
The profile of Rev. Agbi was read by Rev. Emmanuel Kwesi Ofori who is the Tema District Secretary. Goodwill messages were delivered by Greater Accra East Superintendent, Tema District, Church board, etc. In a goodwill message from the General Superintendent on behalf of the AG fraternity in Ghana, Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso in a speech read on his behalf recognized Rev. Agbi as a faithful steward in God’s vineyard having served as Children’s Director for 12 graceful years. He also indicated that the Pastors and members of the Assemblies of God fraternity express their profound gratitude to the Almighty God for Rev. Agbi’s faithfulness and dedicated services in God’s vineyard for the past three (3) decades. Rev. Frimpong-Manso also congratulated the wife of Rev. Agbi, Mrs. Joyce Agbi for faithfully supporting and standing with him in his ministry. He concluded in his goodwill message by congratulating both of them and wished them good health, long life and a fulfilling retirement.

Rev. Dr. Bentil and Rev. Dr. Joseph Baisie made the declaration of retirement in honour of Rev. Emmanuel Eyorm Agbi. The National Pensions Administrator, Rev. Bandim made a presentation to Rev. and Mrs. Agbi on behalf of the Assemblies of God Church and Ministers’ Pensions Board. Several presentations were also extended to Rev. Agbi from Central AG, Children’s ministries, Tema District and Greater Accra.

Rev. & Mrs. Agbi also expressed their profound gratitude to all who supported them during their ministerial work especially to the late Rev. David Nabegmado who afforded him the opportunity and privilege serve in the capacity as a children’s Pastor.

Assemblies of God Ghana in 2014 implemented a new policy to retire Ministers who turn 65. This policy seeks to give retired Ministers a befitting retirement package after serving the organization and this has been an improvement on the old policy.
Rev. Emmanuel Eyorm Kwami Agbi was born on 4th April, 1953 at Goviefe Todzi in the Volta Region to Mr. Jacob Agbi and Mad. Veronica Adjoa Mensah, all of blessed memory. Due to his mother’s ill health, he was adopted at the age of 2 years by his uncle Kodjo Mensah (a.k.a Zamblu) who brought him up in a Christian family. As early as 9 years, he had keen interest in gathering little kids and teaching them simple bible quotations. During those periods, he kept telling some of his family members that he will one day become a children pastor. At that tender age, they encouraged him and also supported him in prayers.
Rev. E.E.K Agbi started schooling at E.P. Primary Goviefe Todzi in the Volta Region and L.A. Middle School Aflao where he obtained his Middle School Leaving Certificate. His education came to a halt due to some hardships.
After completing Middle School, he was employed as a labourer with the State Construction Company who were then constructing the SSNIT buildings in Ho. He later left State Construction and joined SSNIT as a messenger. He combined his office work with farming to generate enough income to support himself.
Rev. Emmanuel Agbi got fully converted through the Late Rev Adri and late Rev. Peter Yamosa. After his baptism, he joined the Assemblies of God Church in Aflao. Growing up, Rev Agbi had a special love for children, and this saw him actively involved in organizing and reaching children wherever he finds himself. He knew his heart was with children, and this conviction helped him to give children the needed assistance in any way possible. At age 17, he had his call into the ministry.
In 1985, he resigned from SSNIT in order to respond to the call of God to pastoral ministry. He got enrolled at the Southern Ghana Bible Institute (S.G.B.I) now Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (A.G.T.S) for 3years.
In his first year at the Bible College, things were running quite smoothly financially, but thereafter, things became tough. The school therefore gave him scholarship to help pay his fees. At the College, he also did menial jobs such as digging manholes and planting palm trees for his upkeep. Those palm trees are now of enormous help to the college. It was at the Bible College that he got the specific call for children’s ministry. Rev. Agbi repeatedly heard a voice asking him this question “many are working hard towards the salvation of adults, but what about the children?”
In one of his visions, he saw children perishing in fire but people were not willing to rescue them. He then risked his life and went in to save them. This vision confirmed his conviction to be a children’s pastor. When he made his intentions known to his colleagues at the Bible College, that he has opted to be a children’s pastor, many could not understand his decision and therefore, made fun of him. But despite the many discouragements from friends and loved ones, he was very persistent in his decision. Thank God that through the vision and hard work of Rev Emmanuel Agbi, the Assemblies of God Ghana can boast of Children’s Ministry in most of our churches.
After completing school in 1987, he was first stationed at Kpando as a Senior Pastor, but later moved to Hohoe as the Children’s Pastor where he served for 6 years. He was later transferred to Central Assemblies of God, Community 4, Tema as the Senior Associate Pastor in charge of the Children’s Ministry and has since been serving for the past 25 years. He has been in ministry for 32 years.
Rev. Emmanuel Eyorm Agbi, affectionately called ‘Father One’ during his ministerial work was able to raise, nurture and train so many children teachers and children workers. Through the Holy Spirit, he has spoken into the lives of many children with great results. He has held numerous camping programs and crusades for children. His biggest burden and passion is touching the lives of children with the Word of God. Consequently, the Lord has placed an unusual burden to invest into the lives of children. Rev. Emmanuel Agbi has functioned as the Committee Chairman for Children’s Ministry in Assemblies of God Ghana.
In August 2002, during the General Council Meeting held at Takoradi, he was appointed the first National Director of Children Ministry and served in that capacity for 12 years. On few occasions, he had an opportunity to travel to South Africa and Kenya for training programs and seminars to equip him for his ministry. He is a man with outstanding qualities. He did all these with enthusiasm. God has endowed him with love and compassion for children. He is very committed to his work.
Rev. Agbi got married to a beautiful woman called Joyce of blessed memory and they were blessed with four (4) children and two (2) adopted children with 4 grandchildren. Seven years after the demise of the first wife, he got married again to Miss. Elizabeth Amediku who has also been of tremendous assistance to him in his ministry till retirement.
Isaiah 42:6-7
6 “I, the Lord,
have called you in righteousness;
I will take hold of your hand.
I will keep you and will make you
to be a covenant for the people
and a light for the Gentiles,
7 to open eyes that are blind,
to free captives from prison
and to release from the dungeon those who sit in