In fulfilling a promise made to the Northern Region B Assemblies of God, the General Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Stephen Wengam, and his wife, Lady Mrs. Monica Wengam have donated a Toyota Prado 4×4 vehicle to the region.

During the 2023 May Executive Presbytery Meeting & Key Leaders Prayer Retreat held at Pentecost Convention Centre at Gomoah Feteh, the Regional Superintendent of Northern Region “B”, Rev. Yeboah during intercessory prayer for each region mentioned a prayer topic that his region lacked an official vehicle. This as a result was affecting effective supervision and Missions/church planting.
This prayer request moved the heart of the General Superintendent, Rev. Stephen Wengam who intimated that it was not good for the image of the church because Assemblies of God Ghana was birthed in that region specifically in Yendi in 1931. Secondly, at a time when Assemblies of God Ghana is pursuing an aggressive church planting (MM 33 agenda).

Rev. Wengam then made a pledge publicly that the first couple of the church will provide an official vehicle for the region. This vehicle was presented to the region on the 9th of July, 2023 during the induction service of the Regional Superintendent. The General Superintendent, Rev. Stephen Wengam mentioned that the vehicle being donated was the private vehicle of his wife, Lady Mrs. Monica Wengam. This was in fulfillment of the pledge they made in May at the EP Meeting and Key Leaders Prayer Retreat.

The news was received with great joy and the Regional Superintendent thanked the first couple on behalf of the region.