The General Superintendent of Assemblies of God Ghana, Rev. Stephen Wengam led the two (2) day pastors’ credential review meeting at Greater Accra West Region. It was held at Liberty Centre, Abeka-Accra.

Prior to his preaching, Rev. Wengam exhorted the pastors to thank God for all His benefits. He reminded them of the negative effects of grumbling as mentioned in (1 Cor 10:10). The General Superintendent himself then led the house in a spontaneous one(1) hour Holy Spirit-filled thanksgiving/worship to mark the end of a ministry year (2022/2023) and the beginning of another (2023/2024).

Subsequently, the leader of the church, Rev. Wengam inspired the pastors with a powerful sermon titled, “The Holy God on A Sending Mission” (a combination of the 2023 theme (Holiness) and that of 2024 (Send the Light). He charged Pastors to plunge into serious soul-winning for local church growth and aggressive church planting for national expansion in the coming year.

Prayers were offered for Pastors and Churches seeking lands for the construction of temples, those embarking on church-building projects, and various conditions that needed divine intervention.
The General Superintendent read his address, reviewed the credential records of individual pastors, and commended those in good standing. He focused on the spiritual health of pastors, their marriages, local church growth, and challenges they are confronted with amongst others. It was a moment of spiritual renewal, fellowship, and accountability.

The Regional Superintendent, Rev. Michael Offei Ayesu thanked the General Superintendent for the diligent work done at the 2022/2023 credential year review meeting and pledged their continual loyalty to the Lord and the organization.