The General Superintendent, Rev. Stephen Wengam in the company of his wife, Lady Mrs. Monica Wengam, the Regional Superintendent of Northern Region “B”, Rev. Yeboah, Rev. Moses Sumaila, former General Superintendent and the former Regional Superintendent, Rev. Wunimi and others paid a courtesy call on the Chief of Saboba.

The purpose was to thank him for giving the church land to build our first hospital in the early 1950s, protecting our lands from encroachment, and attending the induction service of the General Superintendent. Saboba is the second place Assemblies of God, Ghana was established. The Chief and the General Superintendent had fruitful deliberations concerning the future of the church and the town of Saboba.

As part of deepening relationship with major stakeholders, the General Superintendent, Rev. Stephen Wengam also led a delegation to pay a courtesy call to the Kumbungu Chief to thank him for giving the church a huge portion of land to build the North Campus of Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, the first AG Ghana Bible school and the first Pentecostal/Charismatic Theological institution established in Ghana.

Secondly, to discuss how to stop illegal encroachers on the school’s lands. We held fruitful discussions which will inure to the benefit of both parties. The General Council donated an amount of money to support the construction of a new Palace for the Yaa Naa.