The General Council of Assemblies of God Ghana organized a one-day orientation seminar and impartation service for newly appointed pastors, Exhorters, and Probationers across the country. The program was held on 11th July 2023 at the Ringway Assemblies of God Auditorium, Ringway Estate-Osu.

All the E.P Officers were present for the occasion as well as the Guest Speaker, Rev. David Wells, General Superintendent of Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, who addressed the pastors. The E.P Officers took turns educating the pastors in all aspects of the ministry. Various sections of the Assemblies of God Ghana Constitution were discussed and vividly communicated to the pastors.

An impartation service was also held for the pastors which was led by the General Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Stephen Wengam. The National Pensions Administrator in his presentation, also educated the pastors on pension and welfare issues.

The event was well-attended by the two categories of pastors numbering five hundred and four (504) and was deemed massive and glorious. Below are scenes from the event.