Retirement and thanksgiving service has been held for Rev. Dr. Abraham Obeng-Amoako to bring to an end 8 years in active pastoral ministry. The occasion was held on Sunday 26th January 2020 at Evangel Assemblies of God, Adabraka, Accra in the Accra West region. Until his retirement, Rev. Dr. Obeng-Amoako was an Associate Pastor at Evangel Assemblies of God and former Head of Operations at the Assemblies of God, Ghana head office.
Profile of Rev. Dr. Abraham Obeng-Amoako
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. the life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me – Galatians 2:20.

Rev. Dr. Abraham Obeng-Amoako was born on 17th July 1954 in Agogo Ashanti-Akim to Opanin Thomas Obeng and Madam Susana Obeng, both of blessed memory. He was blessed to be born into a Christian home where both parents were elders (leaders) in the Methodist Church, Ghana. He is the ninth born among eleven siblings. By divine providence, Rev. Dr. Obeng-Amoako was introduced to the Christian faith at a very tender age by his parents and he was integrated into the Children Sunday School and Church choir of the Agogo Methodist Church. This brought into his life the fear of God and a strong love for the things of God. As young as six years, his parents, siblings, and all neighbors and friends called him by the accolade “Osofo,” although completely unaware that this was prophetic.
Rev. Dr. Obeng-Amoako had his Primary and Middle School education in Agogo, Ashanti-Akim, after which he continued with his Secondary School education up to Form 5 at the Collins Secondary Commercial School, Agogo. From there, he gained admission to the New Juaben Secondary Commercial School in Koforidua in the Eastern Region to pursue a two-year sixth form course in Business. He then proceeded to the then School of Administration (now Business School) of the University of Ghana, Legon, to do a three-year BSc. degree in Administration with Accounting Option. Two years after graduation he went back to Legon to do his Masters (MBA) in Accounting. Throughout his school days, he was deeply involved in the local church ministry, and Scripture Union at school, as well as the Assemblies of God Campus Ministry (AGCM), which he and eight other students pioneered at the University of Ghana from 1984 to 1987.
Rev. Dr. Obeng-Amoako accepted Jesus as his Lord and personal Saviour in May 1975 through a Secondary School teacher who by word and deed helped him to make this vital transition to become truly born again. The Call of God into the pastoral ministry was strongly impressed upon the heart of Rev. Dr. Obeng-Amoako just before he entered the University to do his first degree, and it became stronger and stronger over the years.

After graduation from the University, Rev. Dr. Obeng-Amoako did his one-year national Service at the Kumasi City Council, after which he briefly worked with Kumasi Furniture & Joinery Company Limited, and then went back to Legon to do his Masters’ degree. Halfway through the Masters’ program, he was approached in 1991 and offered the opportunity to serve as Accountant for Challenge Enterprises of Ghana, a leading Christian bookstore chain with branches across the country. Challenge Enterprises of Ghana sponsored him for a six months’ internship training in the United States of America from April to October 1994. He traveled extensively to many States across the USA for training in the rudiments of the Christian Bookstore industry. He returned to Ghana in October 1994 to continue working with Challenge Enterprises of Ghana. He played a leading role in organizing and supervising National Pastors and Christian Workers conferences annually throughout the country under the auspices of Challenge Enterprises of Ghana and the Ghana Evangelism Committee. He rose through the ranks from Accountant to Accountant/ Marketing manager, to Chief Accountant, and then to General Manager-Finance & Administration.
Way back in 1989 he was appointed by the Executive Presbytery of the Assemblies of God, Ghana, to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Assemblies of God Bookshops Limited (AGBL). Then in 1997, he was appointed as Chairman of the AGBL board, a position he maintained up to 2010 when he became the Vice-Chairman after the two Boards of the Assemblies of God Literature Centre Ltd. (AGLC) and AGBL were joined to become one. Outside the church fraternity, he has served as a board member for the Ghana Christian International High School (GCIHS) for several years, and National Treasurer of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Ghana (CIMG) for four years.
In 1985, he had the privilege of traveling with four other Ghanaians to Singapore to attend the Haggai Institute for Advanced Christian Leadership Training. He finally responded to the call in 2008 and graduated from the then Southern Ghana Bible college in December 2011 with a Diploma in Theology. Before this time, he had already completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Theology from the University of Wales, UK. By the loving-kindness of God, Rev. Dr. Obeng-Amoako now holds a Doctorate degree (Ph.D.) in Theological Studies with an emphasis in Missions from the Pan Africa Theological Seminary, a Regional Assemblies of God Seminary for West Africa with its campus in Lome-Togo.
In January 2012, Rev. Dr. Obeng-Amoako was approached by the E.P Officers of the Assemblies of God, Ghana, and offered the opportunity of serving as Head of Operations of the AG Ghana. After much prayer and God’s leading, he became convinced that God was calling him to serve in this important capacity to support the work of the Executive Presbytery of the church. He, therefore, responded in the affirmative, and he was appointed as Head of Operations of the Assemblies of God, Ghana, with effect from June 1, 2012, Apart from his core mandate as Head of Operations, he is the presenter of the weekly Assemblies of God Bible Study program on Sunny FM, Spirit FM, and Shaft FM, dubbed “The Bible Speaks Today” in Accra, Kumasi, and Obuasi respectively. To the glory of God, he has discharged his duties creditably in these outfits until December 2019 when he honorably handed over his duties to a younger person to enable him to proceed on retirement in accordance with the constitution of the Assemblies of God, Ghana.

Rev. Obeng-Amoako has been hardworking and has many positive attributes that we could recount, but what has endeared him to most of us are his sense of duty and desire to see to the right thing done. One of the notable achievements he will be greatly remembered for is his special input or contributions during the construction and completion of the new head office building at Osu. All these achievements, and many more, were made possible by his attention to detail and strong commitment to duty.
At the Evangel AGT his local church, Rev. Dr. Obeng-Amoako functions as Associate Pastor in charge of Missions. He has been very instrumental in playing a leading role in the establishment of the Missions’ Department of the church, as well as the planting of three vibrant local churches at Sun City-Budumburam, Adjen Kotoku, and the Castle Gate Assembly, all within the Accra/Tema metropolis. He has also been deeply involved in teaching the New Converts Class to prepare new believers for water baptism, apart from helping with Sunday School teaching and regular marriage counseling. He preaches and teaches the Word of God with passion, and loves marriage counseling. He also serves on many committees and boards to further the work of God at both local and national levels.