Retirement and Send-Off service has been organized for Rev. Prof Frimpong-Manso and his wife, Rev. Mrs. Gladys Frimpong-Manso on 25th March 2023 at the Revival Restoration Centre AG, Roman Ridge-Accra. The occasion brought several dignitaries including heads of Christian bodies, high-profile government officials, present and past Executive Presbytery members of Assemblies of God, Ghana, and so on.

It was a glorious service, chaired by the General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, Ghana, Rev. Dr. Wengam. Rev. Dr. Wengam’s welcomed message was heart-warming. He acknowledged the great work done by Rev. Prof. Frimpong-Manso over his 40 years in active pastoral ministry and also the support rendered by his wife during these days of ministry work.

Rev. Dr. Barnabas Mtokambali, the immediate past President of the Assemblies of God, Africa, and also the speaker for the occasion preached on the theme “Why Do these Stones Mean?” Rev. Dr. Mtokambali indicated that memorials are very important to God. He outlined three major reasons for his assertion and these include:
• God uses memorials to encourage us,
• God uses memorials to remind us that he has been there to provide for us,
• God uses memorials to help us know that we can depend on him.

In various goodwill messages read on the day, Prof. Frimpong-Manso was described as kind, simple, courageous, wise, humble, honest, pragmatic, scholastic, and knowledgeable; simply put, he was described as a man of many parts. The Ministers’ Wives Association (MWA) and the Women’s Ministries also acknowledged the good works and applauded the efforts of Rev. Mrs. Gladys Frimpong-Manso.

In response, Prof. Frimpong-Manso was full of gratitude to God and all who had made his ministry successful. He ended by saying that he would remain committed to The Assemblies of God, Ghana but he would not interfere with the affairs of the leadership but would show concern. Below is a summary of the profile of Rev. Frimpong-Manso and his, wife.
Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso who hails from Fufuo near Barekese in the Ashanti Region was born on 15th March 1959 (he was born at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital).

He is married to Rev. Mrs. Gladys Frimpong-Manso, a seasoned ordained minister of the Assemblies of God, Ghana. They are blessed with four (4) adult children and 6 grandchildren.
As a Minister of the gospel with Assemblies of God, Ghana, for over fa (40) years, he has risen through the raj from a local church Pastor to District Pastor, Regional Superintendent, then General Superintendent. As General Superintendent of the Assemblies God, Ghana, he mobilized churches in the organization for many remarkable endeavors and repositioned it to be one of the key Christian denominations in the country. Among Rev. Prof. Frimpong-Manso’s achievements for the church was the construction of an ultra-modern Head Office Complex for the Assemblies of God, Ghana, which was started in 2016 and completed in 2019 within a record duration of 27 months. He led Executive Presbytery to launch “Vision 3,000” which mobilized the churches to plant 3,000 local Churches within five (5) years. He also put in place AG Ministers Pension Board, which in turn developed Pastors’ Welfare policies and systems to assist pastors. Under his able leadership, the Assemblies of God Technical University and AG TV were established, Prime Insurance Company Limited was revived, and many other agencies of the church received a significant boost to their operations. He has and still travels extensively to preach, teach and facilitate conferences globally.
For Public Life and Corporate Governance, he has served on over twenty (20) Boards and Church Councils ranging from Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies, and Churches. He has also served on Boards and Councils such as Atwima Kwanwoma Rural Bank Limited, Prime Insurance Company Limited, Foreign Missions of the Assemblies of God, Ghana, the erstwhile Mid-Ghana Bible College of Assemblies of God, Ghana, Assemblies of God Relief and Development Services, (now AG Care), Assemblies of God Campus Ministry, Ghana Evangelism Committee, Ashanti Region, Ghana Pentecostal Council- Ashanti Region, Bishop Reid Crusade- Kumasi and the Ghana Pentecostal & Charismatic Council. For some years before his retirement, he served as President of the largest Christian group in Ghana, namely the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council, as well as the Ghana Evangelism Committee. He also served on the national level as Chairman of the National Commission on Small Arms and Light Weapons. Additionally, he is a Member of the Eminent Advisory Committee of the Electoral Commission and the National Board of Trustees of the National Cathedral project.
During his tenure as Board Chairman of Atwima Kwanwoma Rural Bank Ltd, he played a major role in repositioning the bank to become a leading rural bank in the country.
General Superintendent-Assemblies of God, Ghana-2010-2022
• Provided Effective leadership and general oversight responsibility for the entire operations of the Assemblies of God, Ghana including Regions, Districts, Local Churches, Departments, Bible Colleges, overseas missions, para-church agencies, representing the church at ecumenical platforms, government agencies and always seeking ways to make the spread of the Gospel more effective in Ghana and beyond.
• Spearheaded the hugely successful “Vision 3,000” which mobilized the local churches to plant 3,000 Churches within five (5) years.
• Acquired a facility from Ecobank to construct an ultra-modern Head Office building complex which was completed in 27 months (January 2016-May 2019).
• Mobilized the Assemblies of God, Ghana, and repositioned it to be one of the key Christian denominations in the Country.
• Established the AG Ministers Pension Board.
• Resuscitated the then-struggling Prime Insurance Company Limited, currently ranked among the leading Insurance companies in the country.
• Re-established the Assemblies of God Institute of Higher Learning, now AG Technical University.
• Established AG TV
Regional Superintendent- Ashanti Region of the Assemblies of God, Ghana 2001-2010
• Supervised all aspects of the governance of the Ashanti Region and the spiritual development of pastors, districts, and local churches within the region including missions, church planting, finances, and church properties.
• Ensured efficient use of staff and reporting regularly to the General Superintendent and the Executive
• Led the Ashanti Region to plant over two hundred and fifty (250) Churches during his ten (10) year tenure.
• Established a strong Regional Credit Union for the Churches in the Region.
• Led many Churches to access facilities from Banks, especially Ecobank to establish their own premises.
District Pastor – Kumasi North District of Assemblies of God-1996- 2001 District Pastor – Mamponteng District of Assemblies of God- 1995 – 1996. Pastor – Calvary Temple Assemblies of God Church, Bantama-Kumasi-2005-2010 Pastor – Gospel Center Assemblies of God Church, Old Tafo – Kumasi -1982-2005
• Supervised all aspects of the church administration and the spiritual development of members including evangelism, church planting, finances, church properties, ensuring efficient use of staff, and reporting regularly to the District Pastor.
• Served in a team with his Associate Pastors and lay leaders to enable the ministries of the congregation to effectively touch the community for Christ.
• During his tenure as Pastor at Gospel Center Assemblies of God Church, old Tafo, he assisted in raising Church membership from fifty (50) to over thousand (1,000), the construction of larger and more spacious Church premises, as well as the planting twelve (12) strong Churches in the old Tafo area.
• Established a Provident Fund for the region to cater for Pastoral welfare and needs.
Regional Secretary – Ashanti Region the Assemblies of God, Ghana -1988
Supervised various aspects of the region including the spiritual development of pastors and local churches within the region, evangelism, church planting, finances, church properties, ensuring efficient use of staff, and reporting regularly to the Regional Superintendent.
Lecturer: West Africa Advanced School of Theology- 2010-to date
Principal: Assemblies of God Bible College in Italy – 2002 – 2010
Teacher: Mid-Ghana Bible College – 1988 – 2010
Teacher: Southern Ghana Bible College – 1998 – 2010
Supervised all aspects of the governance of the Assemblies of God Bible College in Italy as well as teaching several courses including Pastoral Theology, The Books of Corinthians, Revelation, Gospel of John, Leadership, Bible Doctrines, and reporting regularly to the General Superintendent and the Executive Presbytery.
Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso served on the following boards and councils:
• Board Chairman: National Commission on Small Arms and Light Weapons -2017-to date
• Board Member: Eminent Advisory Committee, Electoral Commission – 2019 – to date
• Board Member: National Cathedral Board of Trustees – 2017 – to date
• Board Chairman: Atwima Kwanwoma Rural Bank Limited – 2006 – 2010
• Board Chairman: Prime Insurance Company Limited – 2010 to date
• Board Chairman: Foreign Missions of the Assemblies of God, Ghana – 2005 -2010
• Board Chairman: Mid-Ghana Bible College of Assemblies of God-2001 -2010
• Board Chairman: Kwamanman Rural Bank 2022 – date
• Vice Board Chairman: Atwima Kwanwoma Rural Bank Ltd. – 2002 -2006
• Board Member: Assemblies of God Relief and Development services – 2001 -2005
• Executive Presbytery Laison Officer: Assemblies of God Campus Ministry -2001-2010
• Board Chairman: Thrivus Institute of Biomedical Science and Technology
• Board Member: Henry Djaba Memorial Foundation
• Board Member: National Peace Council
• Board Member: Pan African Theological Seminary (PATHS)
• Board Member: West Africa Advanced School of Theology (WAAST)
• President: Ghana Pentecostal & Charismatic Council – 2018 – 2022
• Chairman: Ghana Evangelism Committee-2018-2022
• Executive Secretary: Africa Assemblies of God Alliance – 2017 – to date
• National Executive Member: Ghana Pentecostal & Charismatic Council – 2010 – to date
• Chairman: Citywide Crusade – Oral Roberts Ministry – Kumasi – 2008 – 2016
• Chairman: Ghana Evangelism Committee, Ashanti Region – 2008 – 2010
• Chairman: Ghana Pentecostal Council – Ashanti Region – 2008 – 2010
• Chairman: Bishop Reid Crusade – Kumasi – 2006 – 2007
• Chairman: AG Care – Africa, Assemblies of God Alliance
• Vice Chairman: Ghana Pentecostal Council, Ashanti Region – 2002 – 2008
• Vice Chairman: Ghana Evangelism Committee, Ashanti Region – 2003 – 2008
• Member: World Assemblies of God Church: Planting Commission 2022
• Member: World Assemblies of God Commission on Human Rights and Sexual Exploitation
• Member: Advisory Council of the Bible Society of Ghana
University of Wales (UK) PhD, Theology 2014
Pan African Theological Seminary / Clergy Council Honorary Doctorate 2009
University of Sheffield Master of Arts (MA) 2001
University of Cambridge (U.K) Cambridge Diploma of Religious Studies 1992
Mattersey Hall (UK) Diploma in Theology 1992
Southern Ghana Bible College (Ghana) Diploma in Biblical Studies 1983
Haggai Institute for Advanced Leadership Training, (Hawaii) Certificate in Advanced Leadership 2001
Osei Tutu Secondary School General (Kumasi-Ghana) Certificate of Education (GCE O LEVEL) 1980
Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso plans to devote more time to:
1. Develop his newly established Frimpong-Manso Institute, a capacity development ting-tank that focuses on transformation through apolitical, faith-based, factual, and ethical interventions.
2. Quality family life as husband and grandfather.
3. Mentoring younger Ministers.
Rev. Mrs. Gladys Frimpong-Manso, an ordained Minister in her own right, has been a tower of strength behind the success of her dear husband, Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong-Manso.

As a faithful life partner, she stood with her husband through thick and thin in the various transitions of his leadership roles. Apart from serving dutifully as a model pastor’s wife, she served creditably in the following offices from 1987 to 2022:
1. First WM Rep of the newly created OKSS (1987-1996)
2. WM Regional Director (1997-2010) – During this period, she Purchased 2 official cars for the dept (Toyota Hilux and Nissan Xtrail), and also established a canteen for the regional office.
3. District President – Ministers Wives Association (1995 – 2001)
4. Regional President Ministers Wives Association (2001 – 2010)
5. National President Ministers Wives Association (2010 – 2022)
Rev. Mrs. Gladys Frimpong-Manso traveled to Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Liberia to speak at WM Conferences and also to train Minister’s Wives. She conducted and taught at many training sessions, seminars, and retreats for WM and MWA when she served in leadership positions. She also authored a book for Minister’s Wives (The Ideal Minister’s Wife).