The General Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Stephen Yennusom Wengam visited several regions including Eastern Region ‘A’ and Central Region ‘A’ to conduct the annual credential review meeting. In Central Region “A”, he preached on Holiness, the theme for the Church for 2023, and led the pastors to re-dedicate their lives to the Lord. He also commended the Pastors in the Region for their dedication and good work.

The General Superintendent continued his credential rounds across the country. He was in the Ashanti region this week, where he led pastors to re-dedicate their lives to the Lord, in the light of the theme for next year. The General Superintendent believes that Holiness, which is the theme for AG Ghana for next year is the sure way to start a revival in these last days.

In relation to the 2022 annual credential review, the Assemblies of God, Ghana Eastern Region “B” also held their Annual 2022 Pastors Credential Review meeting at Asamankese in the Eastern Region. The Credential Review took place at Liberty Home AoG. In attendance were the Executive Committee Officers, District Pastors, and other Pastors in the Region.

The Regional Superintendent, Rev. Obed A Asiedu welcomed the Pastors to the credential review and encouraged them to be faithful in the discharge of their Pastoral duties since they will give an account one day. The Special Guest and Chairman of the meeting, Rev. Dr. Simon Abu Baba, the General Treasurer in his exhortation read Matthew 16:18 with the theme: “In The Era Of Revival”.
Rev. Abu Baba explained from the theme that; in the era of revival, the church must note three key characters. That;
1. The church must depend on the Holy Spirit
2. The church must have an intimate relationship with God.
3. The church must operate in Spiritual giftings.
He opined that Christ is building His church, and we need to find out how He is building it so we can partner with Him. He stated that “when we build on secular principles, we get what man can build—a secular church that won’t last (cf. Psalm 127:1). But if we build according to Christ’s principles, we get what God can build—a church that the gates of hades will not prevail against”.

Rev. Simon Abu Baba later led the house to pray and read the General Superintendent’s address. According to him the new leadership of the church has introduced what they called the Transformational Agenda The Transformational Agenda is bold, and ambitious and seeks to engender the growth of the organization. He explained that this agenda will explore six main thematic areas.

The areas are classified as Reach, Rebuild, Reform, Restore, Reposition and Rebrand. He used the occasion to encourage the Pastors to be united and rally behind the new executives to enable the organization to experience growth and become more attractive. He reiterated that unity is one of the keys to growth.
Rev. Abu Baba finally led the Executives Committee to conduct the Credential review on a District basis.