Rev. Prof. Paul Frimpong Manso, General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, Ghana, has called on Christians to be grateful to the Lord for His goodness and mercies.
In his sermon, during the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Central Assemblies of God, Community 4, Tema, Rev. Prof. Frimpong Manso, said it is important for Christians to show gratitude to God for His goodness. He said, “it is indeed refreshing that the Tema Central AG, has met to recognize this. What we are seeing today is the doing of the Lord”.

He spoke on the theme; “The attitude of gratitude” and recalled from the biblical account of the ten lepers that; only the Samaritan returned to Jesus to give thanks, out of the ten who were healed of leprosy.
Prof. Frimpong Manso said, all the ten lepers had equal opportunity after being healed to return gratitude to the Lord, but only one did, even though they were all in very precarious conditions before meeting the Lord. He recalled the difficult conditions at the inception of Tema Central AG church, and hence the need to offer thanks to the Lord after seeing them through 50 years of progress.
He advised Christians to recognize that they all have equal opportunities in receiving the blessing of the Lord and therefore should not behave like the nine lepers, but always show gratitude to Him whenever they receive their breakthroughs. He added, “as you lift your voice and cry unto the Lord, he will have mercy on you and so don’t relent on your oars, but continue to seek the face of the Lord, because his mercies endure forever.”
The General Superintendent advised Christians to always obey the Lord, because obedience will open up divine blessings to them. He said, Mary (mother of Jesus) preached the best sermon ever, when she told the disciples to do whatever the Lord would tell them to do at a marriage ceremony in Canna when the wine for the marriage feast ran out. He emphasized that it was the people’s obedience that resulted in the miracle of turning water into the best wine ever.
To this end, he said Christians should have faith in the Lord and not forget their small beginnings and the blessings they have received. “You should learn from the Tema Central church and go back and thank the Lord. Fifty years ago when the church was planted, little did we know that, it will grow to become one of the biggest churches in Tema and beyond,” he opined.
Rev. Prof. Frimpong Manso, also celebrated great leaders of the organization such as late Rev. & Mrs. Bob Cobb, Rev. Nyamila Panka and Rev. Dr. Simon Asore, all of blessed memory, who contributed immensely to the transformation of the AG, Ghana. He added that, Rev. Dr. David Nebegmado, is also one of the best gifts to the Central church, and his work in Missions and church planting are clear testimonies of his untiring efforts towards the growth of AG Ghana, and the realization of the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.