Coming to the end of the Decade of Pentecost should gladden our hearts to be grateful to the Almighty God for the graces and mercies during the past years. The thankfulness should also lead us to honestly evaluate our growth and performance as we get ready for greater exploits. Beloved, we have in the recent years focused on themes such as: Empowered by the Spirit, Anointed by the Spirit, Liberty in the Spirit, Manifesting the gifts of the Spirit, and Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit, etc. In 2020, we want to climax the decade with the theme: Fellowship of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 13:14). This is because if an individual or church has been truly liberated, empowered, and anointed by the Holy Spirit to manifest the gifts and bear the fruit of the Spirit, then such a person or community cannot do anything less than flow in fellowship with and of the Holy Spirit (Phi. 2:1-3).
The ministry of the Holy Spirit varies comprehensively; it ranges from convicting one of sin, righteousness, and judgment (Jn. 16:8) to sharing the love of God abroad in the believers’ heart (Rom. 5:5) beyond gender, racial, and social considerations. The New Testament (2 Cor. 13:14; Phi. 2:1-3) links the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, which is relating with the Holy Spirit through being his temple (1 Cor. 6:19) and participating in the fellowship of believers created by him, to the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 8:9), and love of God, which is supremely demonstrated in reconciling the world to himself in Christ (2 Cor. 5:18–20). This shows that a meaningful fellowship of and with the Spirit starts when one accepts the love of the Father (Jn. 3:16) and believes in the grace that comes from the person and finished work of Jesus Christ for humanity (Rev. 5:9).
The word “fellowship” comes from the Greek word ‘koinonia’, which means: communion, partnership, participation, association, community, etc. To have fellowship of/with the Holy Spirit therefore is to commune with him; it is to be actively engaged in relationship with him; it is to be in partnership with Him; it is to participate in his association and community—whether personal or corporate, private or public. Thus, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit speaks of the believer’s total relationship (divine and human) with and through the Holy Spirit.
The reality and blessedness of the fellowship with the Spirit confirm the divinity and personality of the Holy Spirit. To fellowship with the Holy Spirit is pivotal to healthy Christian living (Gal. 5:16-17). This therefore requires a commitment that seeks and does what pleases the Spirit (Acts 15:28). It is also the cultivation of a close intimacy with the Holy Spirit by inviting him to help us in all our ways, walk, and works. Even so, it is the maintaining of the Spirit’s presence and consciousness by avoiding the sins against him in order to grow in the character traits that reflect his fruit in our lives (Gal. 5:22, 23).
Every believer needs the fellowship with and of the Spirit because the Christian life is a supernatural walk and struggle in and through a dark, corrupt, and polluted world (Gal. 5:16; Rom. 7:14-22). Spiritual survival and victory therefore depend on our continuous reliance, guidance, and empowerment from the Spirit to be able to live and walk worthy of our calling and mission on earth (Eph. 4:1-6). Thus, the faith life Christians are called upon to live becomes stale and ineffective without the continuous fellowship with the Spirit.
The believer sustains and deepens the fellowship with the Spirit through constant intimacy, which includes habits such as daily devotion (prayer, study and meditation on the word, spiritual songs, periodic moments of silence, etc.), fasting, practice of solitude (Ps. 46:10), and company of Spirit-filled people. We need to grow in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit by cultivating his presence and developing sensitivity to his activities and leading. For example, one could greet the Holy Spirit every morning and also invite him to help with our daily responsibilities and challenges. It is also rewarding to ask the Spirit questions and seek his guidance during decision making.
Fellowship of the Holy Spirit with the believer is a dynamic and authentic relationship that transforms him from self-centeredness and worldliness to Christ-centeredness and others-centeredness. Thus, it moves the Christian’s heart and mind from earthly to heavenly mindedness. Beloved brethren, while cultivating daily fellowship with the Holy Spirit may require sincere hunger, time, and effort, it is an exciting and rewarding adventure and lifestyle. You are most welcome to the blessed, life changing fellowship of the Holy Spirit!