The General Council of Assemblies of God, Ghana has honoured the immediate past Executive Presbytery officers and their spouses who served as National Executive of the Ministers Wives Association at a brief ceremony at the headquarters on Monday 18th June.

The past EP Officers received their end-of-service compensation, a letter of commendation, and a plaque. The former EP members honoured were Rev Dr. Kwame B Bansah, former General Secretary, Rev Mrs. Faustina Bansah, former National Secretary of Ministers’ Wives Association (MWA), Rev Dr. Sam Ato Bentil, Former General Treasurer and Rev Mrs. Florence Ato Bentil, Former National Treasurer of MWA.

The same was done for the former Assistant General Superintendent, Rev Dr Paul Dsane, and Rev Mrs Doris Dsane, former National Vice President of MWA who were not present in person due to certain circumstances.

The General Superintendent, Rev Stephen Wengam, led the package presented to the former leaders. Present also for the ceremony was Rev Dr. Godwin Tito Agyei, Assistant General Superintendent, and Rev Dr Ernest Birikorang, General Secretary.